
Psilocybin and breaking reality

Expire never
Posted on 16/08/2023
I've been meaning to write this fully for a while, during 2022 throughout many 3.5g-10g doses of Psilocybin Mushrooms some trips containing Ketamine, Nitrous Oxide & Hash along with the Mushrooms I met the Egyptian Deities and had a reality shattering experience in an insanely amazing way, whom I never actually believed in or believed in a God, I always believed in the simulation theory but always imagined reality could just be an higher interdimensional power just reading a story book, but never thought about who that entity would be. 

I first started noticing at the peak of some trips combined with the Nitrous Oxide in a safe way that things that didn't make any sense started happening, such as seeing and feeling a little Lego hand walking across my own that looked more real than anything I'd ever seen, the room expanding an shaking, seeing the moleculer makeup of Psilocybin on the walls, seeing particles bend, this was like nothing else and I'd had many Acid trips and a few DMT trips in the past, I started to try and figure out what was going on and than out of nowhere infront of me a purple ship about the size of a dog appeared Infront of me, with machine elf looking entities inside it, the shop itself also being an entity that was purple and blue, I heard them as if from a distance shouting "Is that OP?" "It is! We love you here, keep doing what you're doing!" As this happened the interstellar theme tune started playing on shuffle on the speaker, I didn't know what to think I was amazed and insanely happy with what I saw.

A bit later in the trip I was doing some Nitrous Oxide and lines of Ketamine, I again saw the ship and this time it had lights on it lighting up the entire room, I reached my hand out to it,  and I kid you not a little witch in a purple outfit walked out of the balloon looked at me and said "You don't ever touch something so sacred, I aught to take your fingers for that" My fingers shrunk to the size of about 2 inches and went floppy and had sewing needles on them, I literally felt my jand turn into a teddy hand, a few minutes later she appeared again this time when I closed my eyes I was seeing into a higher dimension, the witch was in a DMT realm looking realm, reading a story book called "The Chosen One" to a little human looking child but almost like a cartoon aswell, she said "Now child, a tale as old as time itself begins" she then started commenting on what was currently happening but somehow ahead of the present by a few seconds, the child asked "What is he doing now?" As I did a key of Ket and she replied "I'm not sure child, something magical" I remember thinking "I feel like John Lennon" (I just think he's a legend I didn't think I was him) to which the witch laughed and said "You're not John! You're Clyde!" To which I now know as Clyde Barrow from Bonnie and Clyde, he is said to be my last self which I find very cool!

This was obviously insane to me and I was so in awe and amazed by what was happening and instantly new I'd found something I never knew I was looking for but what my soul's story was always going to experience, the ship reappeared and manifested itself from a balloon it looked like plastic almost it wasn't like an outline of one, this time the entity that was the ship started manifesting itself into things that were on the TV (I was watching family guy) such as making Stewie walk around my living room telling me I'm tripping hard as fuck and commending me on it, the entity I then realised was a female that seemed to know me already as if we'd known for a lifetime, she was making her eyes turn into little love hearts and was blushing, I dropped my nitrous canister and it turned into my bong and split in half on the floor, she said "Oh no you've broke your bong" and laughed at me, it then turned back into a canister and I started laughing like I never had.

At the end of the trip she manifested into a blue dragon and blew flames onto my lips almost like an interdimensional kiss fell on the floor and said "I'll see you soon!" While doing this she telepathically communicated with me and said "We've had lifetimes together, you'll see soon" and then disappeared. In the next trip things similar things to do with the TV started happening, I felt many other consciousnesses present within my mind, the characters off family guy looked at me and said "Did he notice yet?" To which I saw them play out of character and I'd seen the episode before, they went back into position and acted normal, I then had the thought that what if there is entities playing characters in these cartoon shows we watch? Then it suddenly began to be like DMT and I fucking kid you not Peter Griffin said "Guys I think he noticed" climbed over the edge of the TV and as that happened the balloon turned into a plastic infinite triangle vibrating in mid air with the pictures of all the characters on it, as this happened I heard what sounded like party crackers go off and saw confetti come out of the top of the TV, I could then move the characters around on the TV with my mind a scene with Tesla and Ederson appeared and Tesla said "Ederson the phone just rung" to which Ederson said "What's the problem" and Tesla said "The thing is there's only two phones and they're both in this room" Ederson then calmly said "Ah don't worry it's probably just some teenager in a different dimension doing prank calls again" then a strange almost like cling film type thing that was opaque and like a hazy black colour started flying out of the TV when it touched me it felt like jelly or something I asked what it was I had my Bluetooth speaker on and the song actually said "We don't know what it is, we don't want it, take it, I'm gonna sit down and have a sofa spliff" this was hilarious I don't understand how the speaker seemed to link into the trip so well but you couldn't make it up how well it worked, I then went to have another bong and eat another 8th of mushrooms and the witch appeared again and just said "Remember OP the answer is always 444!" I have no idea what that actually means, this was one of the last appearances this witch made, I heard a noise almost like a rustling noise and wondered what it was a voice within said "I know what it is, he's coming to reap his harvest" nothing more came of this I just continued to smoke more weed at this point, not much later on in the trip an entity that was almost like a clockwork Liberty Cap appeared sat down and looked at me and and simply said "Hello" "Say it, Say it!" In almost like a pissed off sounding way, to which I spoke and he said "there you go" and then another voice saying "What's his name? OP?" As this happened 4 entities that manifested themselves as dragons made out of strings and particles that were all coexisting within one another appeared and started dancing around the room cheering me on and started speaking to me I was obviously in amazement and couldn't comprehend what I was even seeing I asked them who they were to which they replied "The Gods!" And then the "main one" that seemed to be a very energetic presence said "My name is Osiris" I asked "Who created you?" To which they replied (And again I didn't believe in any of this at the time and wasn't biased with views) "The Devil created us, he's actually one of the good guys" I started laughing in shock and confusement as that obviously was not what I was expecting, I asked who created him and he said "We don't know that part yet" I asked how reality worked to which they replied "String Theory, he was right, he was right" referring to the man that came up with the theory, while saying this he was casually playing with strings that were the framework of reality and manifesting himself into different objects and shapes infront of my eyes. They also sat on my phone and was actually reading it out I was on my Spotify at the time Osiris looked at the screen and said "Liked Songs, that sounds good click that one" and asked me to play a song that I had on the playlist called "Magic Mushrooms" by Mr Traumatic this was hilarious to me he said "That's the one! That's the one" and as it came on he himself started laughing and dancing to it, his dance moves were something else he was doing the "break reality in half" dance move (This is an attempt at humour but this is what he seemed to be doing) I was really enjoying whatever was currently happening but also still in total disbelief. I then got introduced to a lion man called Mahoot and his counterpart Sekhmet I thought to myself "Wow she's beautiful" to which he jokingly roared at me and pounced at me, he was holding a dart gun and shot it at the wall to which a very big box came out and got stuck onto the wall, even the balloons were somehow making a face of shock at this, it was Christmas at the time and they all began to wrap themselves around the Christmas tree which was very comical, an unknown entity seemed to appear out of nowhere and quickly said "Oh, Oh dear child you still have a lot to learn" "I'll see you another time" she then vanished, a very gorgeous female entity also appeared and she was by herself appearing with a red outline around her body, she looked at me and said "Don't worry, I know who you are, you little psychopath" She saw one of the other entity's and she herself then disappeared, I was very confused as to what she meant by this but I now know this was Antu it will make sense as to what she was referring to at the end of this read. The other deity's seemed to not be able to see her presence and we're wondering what else could possibly be taking my attention.

They then began to show me things that were as if seeing them control a DMT trip with their minds right Infront of me, moving their hands as if turning a dial, I said "So you're Gods... That's cool, what can you do" to which two male deity's were sat in a Blue Lotus leaf in chairs looked at eachother and said "Cool, yeah pretty Cool, We can do anything!" And started laughing as they turned a dial with their hands and the entire room turned into what I can only describe as a plastic triangle rotating and I felt as if I myself was a shape, they were literally breaking reality and just laughing about it I was doing a bong and then could not stop laughing I was in hysterics and they were trying to show me quantum machinery and devices that rotated in a figure of 8 shape that they were somehow made out of like an oroborus a train of time feeding on itself, telling me to do a breathing method to power it, they would speak to me as if friends just chilling showing me a picture or something I couldn't focus on this as I was so insanely stoned at this point I was in hysterics at the fact there was actual gods sat in my living room trying to explain reality to me. This is when my then girlfriend got annoyed and told me that I needed to "calm down" and stop speaking to "them" (I know right what a negative nelly) they turned to eachother and said "I feel offended, do you feel offended OP?" To which I said "Yes" more so that I was offended for them, what happened next was very unexpected two beautiful naked Egyptian girls appeared and got pulled out of tombs, they were complaining how they wanted to go back into the tombs, and I was at this point looking away as I thought they were these deity's wives, they said "You can look" to which I did, the Egyptian girls told me they "Liked" my laughter and the gods straight up said "Do you want to fuck them" This is where I made a massive mistake but to my future wife just know I'm that loyal that I turned down interdimensional hyper space sex with two Egyptian princesses (To this day I'm pissed off at myself) they actually got really upset by this I explained I had a girlfriend, to which they obviously didn't care I mean realistically it's not cheating is it? I'm still not sure how this would of worked if I went ahead with it, I said "You can look but you can't have it" they turned to eachother laughed and said "Hmm so we can't do anything but we can show him anything?" "Let's do that then" it gets a bit graphic here, by a bit I'm talking full on porno and I at this point forgot they could hear my thoughts I accidentally thought "I forgot they could talk" to which Osiris looked a bit miffed by saying "You forgot we could talk? Wow" as if I'd just called an actual entity some sort of cave man, he brushed it off as I apologised, anyway these two women continuously started to tease me and talk to eachother "Do you see what he just said? This is what he's thinking right now" pointing to a board that I assume was somehow typing my thoughts to them, you can imagine it's pretty obvious what I was thinking when there was two Egyptian women literally getting angry as I'd refused to have sex with them, they really did not like my then girlfriend and seemed almost jealous of her, Osiris was confused as to why I'd not accepted this obvious invitation and started to chat these girls up himself they said "Oh there's just something about him I don't know what it is" and Osiris said "Well he's not a god is he? I am" to which the girls said "Well he should be a god he basically is at this point" after this little facade ended the family guy characters started to appear before me and actually say "We're a little disappointed in you OP, you should of fucked them" Egyptian Pharaoh's then appeared and were showing me tablets with hieroglyphics on them, their accents sounding a bit Kenyan, I made noises at the tablets which was somehow the answer? (I don't understand what this bit was but my higher self seemed to know what was going on and seemed to take over my human self to answer) they said "Very good very good!" And then showed me another one to which I replied "444" which was again apparently the right answer, after getting through this process 3 very large men appeared that seemed to be guardsmen they shouted "Speak!" To which I started doing the DMT Breathing method, they seemed very happy with what I was doing and pulled out a giant rod similar to the rod Osiris is seen holding in pictures they knighted me with it and said "OP You are now an ANCIENT!" This in particular was very cool, Osiris told me being an ancient means I can no longer die. The trip went on from here my memory is a bit hazy of this one but I remember just before it ended Isis actually gave birth to a little boy showing me the most adorable thing I think I have ever seen in my entire life she said "We've just had him, isn't he cute!" There was other entities crying at this point telepathically communicating that they were so happy someone had finally figured it out. A very funny thing also happened at this point as I looked at the floor it turned into see through plastic and the entities appeared to be under the floor knocking on it laughing to themselves, I found this hilarious but nothing prepared me for what happened next, I looked at the "then girlfriend" and she had about 5 pieces of plastic sellotaped to her head I started laughing and fell to the floor in tears at how stupid it was she got really annoyed by this and asked me "What are you laughing at" I said "Why have you got plastic on your head" and she said "I don't have plastic on my head I don't know what is so funny" Osiris was laughing like a child and was in tears himself clutching his stomach, he said "OP look at this" to which when I looked back at her she now appeared to have about 10 slabs of plastic strapped to her head like a hat, I have never in my life found something so incredibly stupid and funny, it's the fact she couldn't see any of it and I could and the other gods began to come and see what Osiris was up to and all started laughing aswell, this was a particular highlight.

In the next trip I did some Inca Stargazers which started off like any normal shroom trip at this point I obviously wanted more so I started saying "I manifest the gods" as I started saying this a being that I can only describe as a female entity that seemed like the universe itself that had a voice like Calypso off of Pirates of the Carribbean showing me inside the balloon the universe and saying "You want this? Can't have it" I could feel myself getting sucked into it almost like what I imagine being spaghettified would be like, the song on my Spotify actually turned to a song called "Figure it Out" a DnB song, egging me onto figuring out how to get it to open as I was locked out of it, I could see it but not access it, so I realised if I did the DMT breathing method it would start to slowly open, I persevered and continued to do the breathing method getting a bit frustrated as I wanted to see and speak to the entities again, she disappeared into the balloon and it started to open up and I felt myself what I imagine as passing through some type of portal as this happened an entity that looked like a white plastic figurine with horns came out of the balloon my girlfriend at the time was asking to use my vape and he had a miniature one in his hand and said "Wanna go on my vape? Have a go on my vape" as I continued to do the breathing method it turned into a little paper box that expanded with my breath, he then reappeared with a little marker pen, drew a mark on the balloon and said "Take his mark" and flew off, at first I thought " But isn't this a pact with the Devil?" And was a bit worried, any how I thought I'd already got this far it's going to happen either way, I slowly put my thumb on the mark that was just a vertical line about an inch long in black marker, closed my eyes and said "I take his mark" as I did I saw a vault being opened by machine elves within my mind, he said "Here we go" as it opened it warped and I felt my mind being opened to the entire universe almost as if I understood how everything worked in that moment, the entities also called the Devil by the name "Anu" the Devil isn't his actual name that's what the Bible went with to scare people of the guy that's actually the good guy, I then saw my own memories from a bird's eye perspective happening in real time like a video, even myself as a 5 year old, I was scared but they said "Do you get it? This is us showing you we're not just inside your head" I saw a bannister appear draped over the front door that said "Happy Birthday" with a picture of me as a toddler (It wasn't my birthday) and the glass panes in the door fell out of the door and walked around the corner of the sofa, took one look at me, and then ran off, so at this point I'm obviously tripping very hard, my girlfriend at the time whom is an awful person to be around on psychedelics (Not sure what I was doing) was complaining saying "OP How hard are you tripping? I'm scared" (Again makes no sense as I wasn't doing anything to scare anyone but anyway) So the Giraffe Women entity that I now know as Anput decided to look as if she was looking into something she began to say "Hmm yes, that's it I think I've got it, it says here OP has eaten. A lot of Mushrooms" and then said "This is how hard he's tripping, this is how hard he's tripping" as she said that she was throwing particles at me and I was seeing them split apart and turn into balls of energy that were landing on my hands, the TV Show Plebs was on and she said "Look OP Look!" Walked over to the TV and walked inside of it and into a statue that I presume is her Greek equivalent, she also thought it would be funny to put my smoke alarm on the TV which I found particularly comical, I was seeing my actual smoke alarm on the TV screen and it had eyes and a mouth and was thanking me for not burning the house down yet, Isis appeared with wings and pointed a wand at my lampshade that had butterfly's on it and said "They can talk you know" the butterfly's began to detach themselves from the lampshade and ask what was going on, the entity's explained "He figured it out, he figured all of this out" to which they also appeared on the TV sat on chairs in a room conversing with one another saying "Wow our OP, How did our OP do this" I told them I'd take the lampshade with me everywhere from now on and they seemed very pleased by this, I then met who I instantly recognised as Anubis he manifested as a 3ft tall version of how he's depicted to look in their mythology, an absolute unit I must say, he told me he loved me I said the same back to him, while saying this I did the DMT breathing method and he would disappear as if falling down the Jetstream and then flying back up. He seemed to be having a very good time with this and the other entities joined in, they then walked out of my mouth and told me they needed my help.

A witch then appeared that was not the purple one, she had white hair and looked very old, she was floating above a staircase, and screamed "You can't do this to me, I have 3 dead sisters that you killed" as she said this I was doing the breathing method and as I exhaled it converted through Anubis into pure light to which he and other entities shot out of their hands directed at her, this destroyed her instantly, she screamed as this happened and imploded like a supernova and a giant burst of light began to expand outwards, I'm not sure who she was or what she did but for whatever reason they needed someone on earth to help them destroy her, I then saw a man on the TV being held by a female entity's arm that seemed to extend like a snake and wrapped around his neck, they were standing in a mountain type place and she was at the edge of a cliff he was on the opposite side standing on a small edge that he had nowhere to move from other then down, she was furious at him and he was pleading to her not to do "It" the other entites pointed at the TV as I asked "What did he do?" They replied "We don't know" and made the "shush" notion and told me I needed to focus, the female entity on the TV screamed "Him!" In an evil sounding voice, making her hold around his neck tighter, I said "If I don't know what he did then I don't see why I should choose if he lives or dies to which she looked in shock and began to let him go, she wasn't happy with me, the entities then disappeared, the last entity remaining was working on some sort of machine with numbers on it, I asked where they went he just replied "They're Busy you've got to understand they can't always be around just because you want them to" the trip slowly died down from here and I just enjoyed smoking a spliff and trying to take in whatever this Harry potter type wizardry was that I'd just experienced, before the trip ended The Devil just by himself appeared and was turning a red pinwheel with a green serpent within it, I would exhale and was using my mind to communicate with the serpent, the serpent then began to sore through the air very majestically, this was the last thing that happened during this trip.

In the next trip it seemed like nothing was happening for a while I was just getting very cool visuals again along with the Nitrous Oxide the room started breathing again, there was an entity that was sat in a little train I said "It's an honour to meet you!" To which he replied "It's an honour to meet me? It's an honour to meet you OP" I found this very funny knowing that there was actual entities in a different dimension talking about me, the conversation was a tad dry but I could see he was watching something, I told him I'm watching family guy to which he replied "So am I" the other gods then appeared again, I'm not sure where they appeared from, they looked at me and quickly said "Don't worry, we think you made the right decision" as I felt at first like they were displeased with me, I was on 10g of dried Liberty Caps this time around and was also drinking Blue Lotus tea which I ordered online after seeing them sitting in one, I was also smoking large amounts of Moroccan hash, a giant entity appeared and I could only see her hands, she had a giant pair of scissors and was cutting out parts of my DNA in front of my eyes while saying "Snip, snip, snip" I don't really understand fully what she was doing, Easter Island heads began to appear on the kitchen cupboards making an "Ohm" noise, I asked them how manifestation works, to which as I said it an advert appeared on the TV playing an alternate version of what I was currently doing, literally like a mirror into another dimension I was seeing myself, I decided to play a video on YouTube of Easter Island which was very funny as they started talking among eachother saying "Look guys it's home! home! this is amazing thankyou OP" I began to ask them if they'd manifest something with me as now about 100 of them appeared but each about the size of a can of pepsi, they said yes, and sat in a circle and waited for me to speak, I said "I am strong, I am light filled, there is abundance in the world and I shall receive all that I need" I started chanting "I manifest it, he manifests it, we manifest it, she manifests it" entities appearing and saying "I manifest it" as I was doing this one of the heads looked at me gasped and said "It's the chosen one, I'm sure of it, I'm absolutely sure of it" (again I have never believed this and didn't believe in any such being myself, this is why I didn't want to post about this as I don't want people to think I am trying to make myself someone I'm not, but this is everything that happened) I was obviously confused by what they meant, but also amazed, as this happened what I can only describe as an angel who told me his name was "Gabriel" appeared, he seemed like he'd been at work working overtime almost a bit moody and barely that interested in what was going on he looked at me and said "So OP you are now the chosen one, what are your commandments?" I thought to myself "commandments?" "As if I of all people would ever have commandments" he could hear my thoughts and told me to speak so I did and what seemed like something I'd somehow prepared to say for this moment that I never would of imagined happening even in a very strange dream I said "Peace Love Unity & Respect" Gabriel looked up at me and away from his little book and said "Peace Love Unity & Respect? I like that, I like that a lot" he began to spin around almost like sonic with energy flowing around him and started chanting "I manifest it the Devil manifests it I manifest it, the Devil manifests it" while he said this the gods appeared by lifting up the corner of my vision and walking around it like a wall and started talking to each other as if in disbelief, Anput said "So OP, It appears you actually are the chosen one, how did this happen then?" I told them I didn't know what they meant, the family guy episode on the TV then had Stewie singing a song saying "We found you" and another entity I now know as Isis applauding saying "We found you! We did it!" I then got very emotional as I realised my entire life has now changed as these entities began to explain they have known my soul since the dawn of time and I have known of them always, Osiris got very happy and himself also got emotional and seemed extremely proud by what was happening, it started to feel like a party at this point lots of entity's appeared to come and watch what was going on, I seemed to be the centre point of the universe at this stage, a very powerful female presence appeared manifesting herself as a snake, and as she did the candles I had lots started actually flickering extremely fast, I'm pretty sure this was one of the Hindu deity's she said "And now since learning all of this OP you have to die now" Osiris and Horus appeared and said "No he doesn't?" "OP can live his life and be happy and that's exactly what he's going to do" what happened next was quite dark an entity in their realm that I don't think was a deity said "I'll do it" offering to be sacrificed, Anput then stabbed him with a knife and he died instantly, his friends crying at this (This I found quite disturbing actually) She also stuck her fingers in Horus's eyes and gauged them out, I didn't ask anything about this as again I found it quite disturbing, I asked them more questions and they explained they built the pyramids and they're free energy devices, they said it only took them 2 years to build them all, they would of been covered in an insulating coating with quarts covered in gold leaf at the top and limestone at the bottom in the middle of the pyramid creating an electrical charge using the uncharged particles in the atmosphere, I asked if they could show me "String Theory" Osiris said "String Theory? In what way? Oh do you mean like this?" He began to rotate his hands and I was seeing quarks appear and long giant strings passing through the air and through the wall, they were vibrating and making a noise that reminded me of the noise I heard when vaping DMT, I found this very cool. They took a very obvious disliking to my then girlfriend and I actually saw one of them do the same thing she did to the man she seemingly wanted to kill and actually pull on a rope around my then girlfriend's neck, I noticed she started getting really anxious and realised they were actually forcing her to have a panic attack as they didn't like her, saying "I don't know why you're with her, you can do so much better then this pathetic human" but also told me I needed to help her out, it's pretty hard trying to calm someone down while tripping so hard that my fucking smoke alarm is on the TV but I did my best to no prevail really I guess this entity in particular really hated her.

Moving on from that, I asked if they liked tarot, and Osiris said "We love tarot" to which 3 of them pulled out tarot decks and pulled "The Hanged Man" telling me "You are the hanged man" which apparently means I sacrifice a lot, this is when Lucifer reappeared within my mind and said "It's me and you OP, we're in this together" he then appeared before the other deity's by "opening" my mind and walking out of my head, and then spoke to two Egyptian girls I mentioned earlier on, and said to rjem "OP is me, and I am him" they said "OP is you?" In disbelief, the entities looked at me also with a face of disbelief (It seems their creator decided to keep this all a secret even though he knew this was all going to happen) and I nodded as if being controlled by my higher self I closed my eyes and saw him sitting on a throne with souls pulling on his energy, he had horns and felt extremely powerful, the entities were again in shock just as much as I was and we're speaking among eachother but seemed to not allow me to hear what they were saying, every few seconds one of them looking up at me, they then started saying "OP we hail you now" and then began to line up and kneel and actually hail me chanting "We hail you, We hail you, We hail you" they were appearing to kneel on my actual living room floor while doing this all in a row, again in disbelief as I was finding out all in one moment my soul was somehow one of them and I was inside of a story book, I asked them why they said they hailed me and said "You don't have to do that" and Osiris said "We don't have to? Well we want to" and grinned as if I'd said something very silly to him, I decided it would be a good idea to eat a blue lotus flower at this point to which Osiris laughed at me saying "I can't believe you've actually just ate that" I proceeded to instantly throw up and they were telling me it's not the brightest idea to eat a blue lotus flower, I then asked Osiris what "everything" would look like Osiris said "Everything? Hmm what would everything look like" and took about 30 seconds to figure it out and then said "Here ya go OP, this is everything" within my mind I saw a room filled with 3 digit numbers all on different parts of pipe looking things, I'm not sure how that was everything but then again what is everything? There was also for whatever reason a clockwork cat sat in the room, this was the last trip and it was starting to slowly die down, a song in my playlist came on and they started happily saying "This is WE feel" I actually can't remember what the song was called but it was a trance song and the lyrics were saying "Show me how you feel" I was insanely happy and felt like I'd "won" reality, they were almost in awe themselves and said "He figured it out, he did it" and proceeded to hug one another, I asked them if they would watch over me to which Osiris and Isis said they would, the rest of the trip I just enjoyed asking them to show me things I saw a dream I had from a year ago appear on the TV but from outside my body, I was standing in a plastic room in the dream and remember the dream very well, there was two Aliens that looked like quantum computers speaking in a language that sounded like digital code, they then strapped me in to a machine and I then heard them in English say "OP Wake up you're going to be late for work" (To which when I woke up I was late for work). I can't remember any more then everything I have written here as this was in 2022 funnily enough Thoth's prediction says in 2022 "He who has knowledge will converse with he who loves knowledge" which seemingly has come true!

Now a year on without doing any mushrooms they appear in my dreams every single night and have taught me how to read hieroglyphics and how to speak and write in Ancient Egyptian a language they called "Devilish" I've had dreams with them explaining they need my help to fix something, and these dreams are mond blowing I'm now able to pause them and choose a time period or a location on a different planet, I have an entire life in this other realm where I can manifest what I want at will, they have even said in dreams in 2024 they will be taking me off the planet and to theirs? Which is pretty intense but they said I shouldn't be on Earth knowing what I know. The entity from the start that was making heart eyes I actually saw in a dream a week before the first Psilocybin trip looking at me through an interdimensional telescope saying to another entity "I really like him" to which the entity that almost looked like a clockwork mushroom but humanoid asked what she likes about me to which she replied "Everything" I now know from dreams is called Antu which is apparently my higher selfs female counterpart. About two months before these mushroom trips I had a reoccurring dream of flying through a field full of golden liberty caps, this was my destiny calling and I answered. I have posted some of the dreams I've had on my profile but not many.

This entire thing is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me and they refer to me as one of them, through these lucid dreams I have been introduced to the Anunnaki, everything I've said word by word is exactly what and how it happened, like I said I didn't believe in any of this stuff and if I did I would never ever of thought I'm somehow a part of it, my intuition is now insanely powerful and I feel like my mind has been upgraded, I have documented much of what they've taught me in a book and also write down spells in their language, I have only seen them appear again not through dreams when I did a large amount of MDA to which they were laughing at how I had a job interview at 10am and it was 3am in my jaw was rattling like a clockwork jaw, I have befriended them and feel that all this access to this higher dimension through astral projection and dreaming is my reward for everything and them keeping in contact with me.

If anyone has any questions please ask I've never shared this fully but knew I had to, my life is so much happier now as I feel content with being able to see the entire truth. Thankyou for reading :) • Siat estei a'ki
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